Since 1957, the Oklahoma Municipal Clerks, Treasurers and Finance Officials Association (OMCTFOA) has promoted, enhanced and encouraged the professional development and standing of clerks, treasurers and finance officials through cooperative communication, education and training.
With the difficulties of 2020, I encourage you now more than ever to become a part of this organization and take advantage of the many educational and networking opportunities it offers. These include the Spring Institute and Academy Sessions, which are online this year; however, OMCTFOA is still offering three scholarships for qualified members and the Fall Conference in October.
This year will be our 64th annual conference and the theme is “Together Towards Tomorrow” as we welcome the increase of new municipal clerks and treasurers across the state. We all know that at times it can get a little overwhelming, but there is help and a lot of networking amongst us. The conference dates are October 13-15. Again, OMCTFOA offers five first-time attendee scholarships to the Fall Conference. The Fall Conference Scholarship applications are due by August 1 of each year.
Throughout the year, there will be many seminars, workshops and trainings that offer valuable information for clerks, treasurers and finance officers. OMCTFOA also offers 1 (one) scholarship to one of the National Conferences to a qualified member. All of the scholarship applications are on the website. The National & Institute/Academy Scholarship applications are due by January 1 of each year.
I am honored to serve as your 2021 OMCTFOA President. We have a great board that is working hard on your behalf to plan a great conference and learning opportunity. We are here to serve you and your needs at all times. A list of the current board members will be on the website so we will be able to help answer any questions you might have concerning the conferences or a general question relating to city business.
As always I look forward to seeing you and participating with you in our 2021 activities.
Brenda Hall, President
City Clerk | City of Norman